The Brahama Bull
02-25-2010, 05:33 PM
Caring,loving,passionate,outgoing and simplely wonderful are all words that can be used to describe DJ Deezer.I first came to know Dee on Wrestling Desires as Steph Union.She and I started talking on msn just after her father passed away.We spent many hours talking about how hard it is to lose a parent as I have lost both my mum and dad.During that time I realized just what as special lady she is and that when she finds her prince she will be the luckiest lady on the planet.
When I first put her on staff a few people thought I was crazy but I knew with her drive and passion she would be a great asset to the site.She will speak her mind when she sees a friend hurting and all she can to help that friend get over the pain.She is in her own special way ETWDs guardian angel and true pleasure to have as a friend.I almost feel sorry for any one who pisses her off as she would no doubt beat them with in an inch of there lives.
She uses the same atributes I have mentioned to raise her son Kaiden who I know will grow up to be one hell of a man who if he is anything like his mother will make this world a better place just with his presance on this green ball.
Its my pleasure and extreme honor to induct and welcome my friend DJ Deezer into the ETWD HOF!
When I first put her on staff a few people thought I was crazy but I knew with her drive and passion she would be a great asset to the site.She will speak her mind when she sees a friend hurting and all she can to help that friend get over the pain.She is in her own special way ETWDs guardian angel and true pleasure to have as a friend.I almost feel sorry for any one who pisses her off as she would no doubt beat them with in an inch of there lives.
She uses the same atributes I have mentioned to raise her son Kaiden who I know will grow up to be one hell of a man who if he is anything like his mother will make this world a better place just with his presance on this green ball.
Its my pleasure and extreme honor to induct and welcome my friend DJ Deezer into the ETWD HOF!