01-10-2019, 08:52 PM
Name: Debbie Diamond
Birthday: February 29, 1984
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts/USA
Height: 5 Ft. 4
Weight: None Of Your Fucking Business!
Face/Heel: Heel
Gimmick: Debbie doesn't do gimmicks. Being Debbie is more than enough
Type of Wrestler: Brawler/Innovative
Manager (If Any): The Voices In Her Head
Movelist: Irishwhip Into Lariat, Dropkick, German Suplex, Hurricanrana, Boston Crab, Baseball slide, Senton, Standing Somersault Senton, Electric chair, Samoan Drop, Half Nelson Bulldog, Missile Dropkick, Double Knee Armbreaker, Snapmare, Olympic Slam, Guillotine Drop, Elevated Gutbuster, Headscissor Takedown, Frankensteiner, Pumphandle Fallaway Slam, Spinning Spinebuster, Russian Legsweep, Crossface Chickenwing, Barely Legal, Surfboard, Texas Cloverleaf, Butterfly, Skin The Cat, Diving Crossbody, Bronco Buster, Corner Clothesline, Battering Ram, Shining Wizard, Enzuigiri, Flying Lariat, Cannonball, Polish Hammer, Coast To Coast, Piledriver, Standing Moonsault.
Trademark Moves: Neckbreaker On The Ring Apron, Suicide Dive, Thesz Press followed by multiple punches to opponent's face, Spear To Cornered Opponent.
Finishers: Punt or Inverted Stomp Facebreaker
Entrance Theme:
OCW In-Ring Record (2/0/0)
Debbie Diamond Def. Angel Deville (RAGE)
Debbie Diamond Def. Dawn Kelly & Freyja (RAGE #2)
Name: Debbie Diamond
Birthday: February 29, 1984
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts/USA
Height: 5 Ft. 4
Weight: None Of Your Fucking Business!
Face/Heel: Heel
Gimmick: Debbie doesn't do gimmicks. Being Debbie is more than enough
Type of Wrestler: Brawler/Innovative
Manager (If Any): The Voices In Her Head
Movelist: Irishwhip Into Lariat, Dropkick, German Suplex, Hurricanrana, Boston Crab, Baseball slide, Senton, Standing Somersault Senton, Electric chair, Samoan Drop, Half Nelson Bulldog, Missile Dropkick, Double Knee Armbreaker, Snapmare, Olympic Slam, Guillotine Drop, Elevated Gutbuster, Headscissor Takedown, Frankensteiner, Pumphandle Fallaway Slam, Spinning Spinebuster, Russian Legsweep, Crossface Chickenwing, Barely Legal, Surfboard, Texas Cloverleaf, Butterfly, Skin The Cat, Diving Crossbody, Bronco Buster, Corner Clothesline, Battering Ram, Shining Wizard, Enzuigiri, Flying Lariat, Cannonball, Polish Hammer, Coast To Coast, Piledriver, Standing Moonsault.
Trademark Moves: Neckbreaker On The Ring Apron, Suicide Dive, Thesz Press followed by multiple punches to opponent's face, Spear To Cornered Opponent.
Finishers: Punt or Inverted Stomp Facebreaker
Entrance Theme:
OCW In-Ring Record (2/0/0)
Debbie Diamond Def. Angel Deville (RAGE)
Debbie Diamond Def. Dawn Kelly & Freyja (RAGE #2)