06-02-2019, 09:24 PM
We begin with a recap of last week's Impact-- Michael Elgin attacking Brian Cage and the ensuing #1 contenders match between Elgin, Johnny Mundo and Pentagon, which Elgin wins. We also see Sami Callihan's beef with Rich Swann, Taya Valkyrie confronting TNA knockouts and RVD's return.
Moose and Josh Alexander vs. LAX (Santana and Ortiz) Non-title tag team match
Alexander shows some acrobatics with Santana as the two go through multiple tie-ups. Santana eventually tags in Ortiz as he works on Alexander. Alexander works Ortiz into the corner and tags in Moose. Moose drop kicks Ortiz off the top rope to the outside as Alexander gets some hits in before tossing him back in the ring. Moose goes to work on Ortiz with strikes, with him and Alexander alternating tags as they strike Ortiz. Alexander goes for the pin, gets just a two count. After some back and forth, Ortiz strikes Moose and Alexander. Tries to get the crowd going before getting put into a headlock via Alexander.
Alexander goes for a suplex and Ortiz COUNTERS with a Stunner-like reversal. Ortiz gets the hot tag to Santana who immediately hits Moose and Alexander. He superkicks Moose outside. LAX hit Alexander with a move and get a two count, with Moose breaking things up. Moose gets the tag and reverses a Poetry in Motion move with a powerbomb. Moose hits the Go to Hell on Santana and only gets a two count. He tags Alexander and accidentally big boots him. Moose gets double Enzguried and heads out of the ring. Alexander, alone in the ring, gets double teamed by LAX. LAX gets the win.
Winner: LAX via pinfall
-Backstage segment with Madison Rayne. She says she's fighting Taya Valkyrie in a non-title match tonight, noting she's 2-0 against the champ. Says she should be in line for a title shot. She's upset that Taya won't put the title on the line, saying she'll be okay with that and make it 3-0 against the champ tonight.
-Backstage segment with Tommy Dreamer and Team Swann. Dreamer, in a rambling promo in regards to an upcoming tag match, says he's about to go to war. Scarlett Bordeux, Rich Swann, Fallah and Willie Mack are standing beside him. Dreamer says oVe represents trolls and keyboard warriors. Notes how Brian Cage went down with a spinal injury, noting Impact's president took Cage to the hospital. Dreamer says this is a company he'll fight for. Says White, Black, an and woman, Asian, Latino, all fight for what they love.Dreamer says he doesn't know how much fight he has left in him. Says the 30-year fight of career is worth it when he sees talent like the ones surrounding him. Says he loves them and tells oVe, "THIS IS EVERYTHING."
-Tessa Blanchard joins ringside commentary.
Taya Valkyrie vs. Madison Rayne
Rayne rushes Valkyrie as the bell rings. Valkyrie slides out of the ring to heel it up. She taunts Rayne telling her to come get her. Rayne does so. Valkyrie slides in the ring, kicks Rayne as she slides in. Valkyrie gets Rayne in the corner and starts with chops and kicks, continuously taunting Rayne.
As we return from break, things look to have evened out. Rayne is the aggressor now, hitting a hurricanrana on Valkyrie. Valkyrie recovers and body slams Rayne. More taunts, more kicks. "You want an opportunity? Why don't you earn it?" Rayne hits an arm drag, gets slammed again by Valkyrie. Valkyrie goes for pin, gets two. Valkyrie goes for an inner thigh leg drop, taunts Rayne more. She slams Rayne into the corner, slides outside and pulls Rayne against the corner post. Valkyrie stops to taunt Blanchard. She goes back in the ring, gets arm dragged by Rayne. Rayne gets Valkyrie in the corner and hits her with chops.
Valkyrie hits Rayne in the jaw, dropping her. Valkyrie laughs as she beats up on Rayne. She gets her in the corner, runs and gets booted by Rayne, then elbowed. Rayne hits a tornado DDT. Both wrestlers on the ground. Both get up, Rayne attacks with elbows and a head kick. Gets a 2 and a half count. Rayne gets fired up. She attempts a german suplex, Valkyrie attempts to reverse, Rayne hits an RKO-like move. Goes for pin, only 2. Valkyrie hits a backbreaker on Rayne, taunts Rayne's husband now. Kicks Rayne. Continues kicks to a "TAYA SUCKS" chant. Rayne ducks a kick and gets Valkyrie in a half Boston Crab. VALKYRIE TAPS.
Winner: Madison Rayne via submission
-Blanchard says Rayne deserves a title shot and leaves commentary.
-Back from break and we have RVD in a backstage segment. Says it's been awhile since RVD has graced Impact. Starts talking about Diamond Dallas Paige…? Apologizes and says he meant Ethan Page. Says he knows what RVD can bring to the table, hits the RVD pose. Says he's looking forward to the match but it's all about him, hits the RVD pose again.
-Promo vid from Rosemary, she says she needs to take "Father's favorite pet" -- Su Yung -- and proposes a demon collar match next week.
Jordynne Grace vs. Alexia Nicole
Nicole goes for a test of strength, immediately regrets it. Elbows Grace, runs to the ropes, gets elbowed and tossed by Grace. Multiple times. Grace hits a brutal vertical suplex. Jackhammer-like. Held it and flexed. She continues to beat up on Nicole. Nicole jumps on Grace to try to stop this, Grace slams her, begins to giant swing her. Grace flexes to applause. Nicole fights back with slaps and tries to German suplex Grace. Tries to clothesline Grace, Grace shrugs it off. Grace torture racks Nicole then Blue Thunder Bombs her. She screams "COME ON" as the crowd gets fired up. Grace hits the Grace Driver for the win.
Winner: Jordynne Grace via pinfall
-Backstage with Ethan Page and Josh Alexander. Page says he'll destroy RVD. Alexander says after that they'll destroy the tag division.
-Kiera Hogan backstage interview. Says she tried to be friends with everyone -- Allie, Rosemary, Jordynne Grace -- says it got her nowhere. Grace enters frame, asks what's wrong, says they're friends. Hogan takes exception to this says they were never friends. Says Grace and Rosemary can die just like Allie, walks off.
Ethan Page (accompanied by Josh Alexander) vs. RVD
Chants for RVD fill the arena. RVD hams it up, hits the RVD pose. After some words, RVD arm drags Alexander out of the ring. Enziguris Page out of the ring. Both recover. Alexander stays out of the ring, taunting RVD. Page looks to attack RVD, hit Alexander instead. RVD gets Page on the barricade, attempts to hit a move but Alexander stops it. Page knocks down RVD, hits his head against the steel steps. Page works on RVD, tosses him in the ring. He stomps RVD, picks him up and elbows him into the corner. Hits a spinning backbreaker from the corner. Goes for pin and gets a two.
Page hits shoulder thrust on RVD in the corner, followed by strikes. RVD exchanges hits with Page before taking a suplex from Page. Page whips RVD into corner and gets a boot. RVD goes for a body scissors pin for two. RVD gets momentum, hitting strikes and kicks, knocks Page down. RVD hits Rolling Thunder. RVD goes to the top rope. Alexander buys Page time by interfering. RVD kicks Alexander off. Ref doesn't see and Page gets to his feet and slams RVD for a two count. RVD recovers, whips page to the corner and hits a spinning heel kick. RVD gets on the top rope again. Five Star Frog Splash! RVD wins.
Winner: RVD via pinfall
-Backstage video on Brian Cage, an injury update. He talks about recovering from his injury, how scary it was. He says at one point due to his lower back injury, he couldn't feel one of his legs. Tests have been run but hard to tell severity of injury due to swelling in the area. Says all he can do is do physical rehab and see where it goes.
-Backstage segment with Mike Elgin. Elgin says he's putting guys in the hospital. First Cage, Pentagon Jr, says list will grow. Johnny Mundo comes in, says HE put Cage in the hospital, says Elgin picked the bones. Elgin says he say Cage standing tall. Mundo says Elgin talks tough about sending people to the hospital like Willie Mack, says Mack is just fine. Elgin says he'll make sure the next ambulance has two beds, one for Mack and one for Mundo.
Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju and Raj Singh) vs. The Deaners (Cody and Cousin Jake) vs. Brent Banks & Aiden Prince vs. The Rascalz (Dez and Wentz)
Chaotic start until things settle down and Raj and Prince go at it. Raj beats up on Prince and the two hit a move on Prince for a two count. Raju and Singh trade tags and continue assaulting Prince. A double elbow for a two count. Prince fights back with chops. Banks gets knocked off apron, Prince gets swung into corner and tags in Cousin Jake who does some ring-wide damage and tags in Cody. The Deaners hit a double move on Raju for a two. Cousin Jake gets worked on by the Rascalz. The Rascalz work to clear the ring. With everyone outside, the Rascalz go for some high-flying acrobatics to the outside. Dezmond hits a unique flip move to the outside. With the ring cleared and one of the Deaners back in the ring, Raju hits a schoolboy, pulling the tights, for the three.
Winners: Desi Hit Squad via pinfall.
-Killer Kross promo vid, hyping a match against Eddie Edwards. Creepy kendo stick-holding vid. Kross says he's expecting an answer, Tick, tock.
-A backstage vid with LAX and Rascalz. A comedy bit. Rascalz can't handle their liquor to LAX's dismay.
Team Swann (Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Fallah Bahh, Tommy Dreamer accompanied by Scarlett Bordeaux) vs. oVe (Sami Callihan, Madman Fulton, Dave and Jake Crist)
Break before match. Back from break and there's already chaos. Everyone's fighting outside. Bahh is in the ring, gets a chair from dreamer, slams Dave Crist while cradling a chair behind him. Swann attacks Jake Crist, Callihan throws Swann out, gets scoop slammed by Mack. Mack slams the Crists and then Fulton. Mack does a standing moonsault to Fulton. Willie flips outside of the ring to clear oVe. Dreamer gets in the ring, teasing a tope suicida. Dave Crist clotheslines Dreamer, goes to the turnbuckle and moonsaults on the outside crowd who just got up. Bahh hits a dive to everyone outside. Dreamer puts oVe, who are still outside the ring, in his crosshairs and flips onto all of them from the apron. Dreamer leaves. BREAK.
Back from break and Dreamer is back with a ladder. Mack and Swann take it and hit Callihan. They set up the ladder in the corner and slam Dave Crist onto it. Dreamer puts the ladder over his head, does a helicopter move. Hits oVe. Fulton gets a chair and hits Dreamer. Fulton clears Team Swann. Fulton sideslams dreamer on the ladder. Fulton takes the ladder and sets it up on the entrance ramp. Dreamer hits Fulton with a trash can lid and hits a neckbreaker. Dreamer gets hit by Jake Crist and rolls out of the ring.
Mack hits Crist and swing him into the corner, Mack begins stacking chairs to slam Crist but Crist reverses and hits a tornado DDT onto the chairs. Bahh comes in to assist,hits Jake then gets hit by Dave Crist. Crist makes his way to the top and gets hit by Bahh. Bahh sets up chairs, climbs the top rope. Fulton comes in for the save. Fulton grabs Bahh, powerbombs him through the chairs. Fulton puts a chair wrapped in barbed wire on Bahh, Dave Crist stomps on to the chair. Bahh kicks out. Swann comes in for the save, gets an elbow from Fulton. Fulton dives towards Swann, Swann pulls the rope as Fulton falls out of the ring. Swann his a cutter on Crist. Goes to the ladder set outside and climbs.
Swann makes his way up… Fulton comes up from behind unbeknownst to Swann. Jake Crist super cutters Swann from the ladder. Bahh hits the save but… Fulton is still on the ladder. Fulton dives, Bahh catches Fulton for a Samoan Drop, gets a two before Callihan makes the save. Dreamer comes in the ring with legos, dumps em on the mat. He hits Callihan with strikes. Callihan grabs Dreamers lil dreamers, Dreamer gets out of the hold, double DDTs Callihan and Dave Crist. Bahh goes to hit Callihan, steps on the lego and is in pain. Says to hell with it and runs through them to splash on Callihan. Signals to go again and Fulton catches him, slams him on the legos. Mack comes in and stunners Fulton. Once normally and once on a chair. Mack puts a trashcan on Fulton and hits an Attack of the Mack on him. Callihan comes in and hits a Cactus Special on Mack on the legos. oVe gets the three.
Winners: oVe via pinfall
Moose and Josh Alexander vs. LAX (Santana and Ortiz) Non-title tag team match
Alexander shows some acrobatics with Santana as the two go through multiple tie-ups. Santana eventually tags in Ortiz as he works on Alexander. Alexander works Ortiz into the corner and tags in Moose. Moose drop kicks Ortiz off the top rope to the outside as Alexander gets some hits in before tossing him back in the ring. Moose goes to work on Ortiz with strikes, with him and Alexander alternating tags as they strike Ortiz. Alexander goes for the pin, gets just a two count. After some back and forth, Ortiz strikes Moose and Alexander. Tries to get the crowd going before getting put into a headlock via Alexander.
Alexander goes for a suplex and Ortiz COUNTERS with a Stunner-like reversal. Ortiz gets the hot tag to Santana who immediately hits Moose and Alexander. He superkicks Moose outside. LAX hit Alexander with a move and get a two count, with Moose breaking things up. Moose gets the tag and reverses a Poetry in Motion move with a powerbomb. Moose hits the Go to Hell on Santana and only gets a two count. He tags Alexander and accidentally big boots him. Moose gets double Enzguried and heads out of the ring. Alexander, alone in the ring, gets double teamed by LAX. LAX gets the win.
Winner: LAX via pinfall
-Backstage segment with Madison Rayne. She says she's fighting Taya Valkyrie in a non-title match tonight, noting she's 2-0 against the champ. Says she should be in line for a title shot. She's upset that Taya won't put the title on the line, saying she'll be okay with that and make it 3-0 against the champ tonight.
-Backstage segment with Tommy Dreamer and Team Swann. Dreamer, in a rambling promo in regards to an upcoming tag match, says he's about to go to war. Scarlett Bordeux, Rich Swann, Fallah and Willie Mack are standing beside him. Dreamer says oVe represents trolls and keyboard warriors. Notes how Brian Cage went down with a spinal injury, noting Impact's president took Cage to the hospital. Dreamer says this is a company he'll fight for. Says White, Black, an and woman, Asian, Latino, all fight for what they love.Dreamer says he doesn't know how much fight he has left in him. Says the 30-year fight of career is worth it when he sees talent like the ones surrounding him. Says he loves them and tells oVe, "THIS IS EVERYTHING."
-Tessa Blanchard joins ringside commentary.
Taya Valkyrie vs. Madison Rayne
Rayne rushes Valkyrie as the bell rings. Valkyrie slides out of the ring to heel it up. She taunts Rayne telling her to come get her. Rayne does so. Valkyrie slides in the ring, kicks Rayne as she slides in. Valkyrie gets Rayne in the corner and starts with chops and kicks, continuously taunting Rayne.
As we return from break, things look to have evened out. Rayne is the aggressor now, hitting a hurricanrana on Valkyrie. Valkyrie recovers and body slams Rayne. More taunts, more kicks. "You want an opportunity? Why don't you earn it?" Rayne hits an arm drag, gets slammed again by Valkyrie. Valkyrie goes for pin, gets two. Valkyrie goes for an inner thigh leg drop, taunts Rayne more. She slams Rayne into the corner, slides outside and pulls Rayne against the corner post. Valkyrie stops to taunt Blanchard. She goes back in the ring, gets arm dragged by Rayne. Rayne gets Valkyrie in the corner and hits her with chops.
Valkyrie hits Rayne in the jaw, dropping her. Valkyrie laughs as she beats up on Rayne. She gets her in the corner, runs and gets booted by Rayne, then elbowed. Rayne hits a tornado DDT. Both wrestlers on the ground. Both get up, Rayne attacks with elbows and a head kick. Gets a 2 and a half count. Rayne gets fired up. She attempts a german suplex, Valkyrie attempts to reverse, Rayne hits an RKO-like move. Goes for pin, only 2. Valkyrie hits a backbreaker on Rayne, taunts Rayne's husband now. Kicks Rayne. Continues kicks to a "TAYA SUCKS" chant. Rayne ducks a kick and gets Valkyrie in a half Boston Crab. VALKYRIE TAPS.
Winner: Madison Rayne via submission
-Blanchard says Rayne deserves a title shot and leaves commentary.
-Back from break and we have RVD in a backstage segment. Says it's been awhile since RVD has graced Impact. Starts talking about Diamond Dallas Paige…? Apologizes and says he meant Ethan Page. Says he knows what RVD can bring to the table, hits the RVD pose. Says he's looking forward to the match but it's all about him, hits the RVD pose again.
-Promo vid from Rosemary, she says she needs to take "Father's favorite pet" -- Su Yung -- and proposes a demon collar match next week.
Jordynne Grace vs. Alexia Nicole
Nicole goes for a test of strength, immediately regrets it. Elbows Grace, runs to the ropes, gets elbowed and tossed by Grace. Multiple times. Grace hits a brutal vertical suplex. Jackhammer-like. Held it and flexed. She continues to beat up on Nicole. Nicole jumps on Grace to try to stop this, Grace slams her, begins to giant swing her. Grace flexes to applause. Nicole fights back with slaps and tries to German suplex Grace. Tries to clothesline Grace, Grace shrugs it off. Grace torture racks Nicole then Blue Thunder Bombs her. She screams "COME ON" as the crowd gets fired up. Grace hits the Grace Driver for the win.
Winner: Jordynne Grace via pinfall
-Backstage with Ethan Page and Josh Alexander. Page says he'll destroy RVD. Alexander says after that they'll destroy the tag division.
-Kiera Hogan backstage interview. Says she tried to be friends with everyone -- Allie, Rosemary, Jordynne Grace -- says it got her nowhere. Grace enters frame, asks what's wrong, says they're friends. Hogan takes exception to this says they were never friends. Says Grace and Rosemary can die just like Allie, walks off.
Ethan Page (accompanied by Josh Alexander) vs. RVD
Chants for RVD fill the arena. RVD hams it up, hits the RVD pose. After some words, RVD arm drags Alexander out of the ring. Enziguris Page out of the ring. Both recover. Alexander stays out of the ring, taunting RVD. Page looks to attack RVD, hit Alexander instead. RVD gets Page on the barricade, attempts to hit a move but Alexander stops it. Page knocks down RVD, hits his head against the steel steps. Page works on RVD, tosses him in the ring. He stomps RVD, picks him up and elbows him into the corner. Hits a spinning backbreaker from the corner. Goes for pin and gets a two.
Page hits shoulder thrust on RVD in the corner, followed by strikes. RVD exchanges hits with Page before taking a suplex from Page. Page whips RVD into corner and gets a boot. RVD goes for a body scissors pin for two. RVD gets momentum, hitting strikes and kicks, knocks Page down. RVD hits Rolling Thunder. RVD goes to the top rope. Alexander buys Page time by interfering. RVD kicks Alexander off. Ref doesn't see and Page gets to his feet and slams RVD for a two count. RVD recovers, whips page to the corner and hits a spinning heel kick. RVD gets on the top rope again. Five Star Frog Splash! RVD wins.
Winner: RVD via pinfall
-Backstage video on Brian Cage, an injury update. He talks about recovering from his injury, how scary it was. He says at one point due to his lower back injury, he couldn't feel one of his legs. Tests have been run but hard to tell severity of injury due to swelling in the area. Says all he can do is do physical rehab and see where it goes.
-Backstage segment with Mike Elgin. Elgin says he's putting guys in the hospital. First Cage, Pentagon Jr, says list will grow. Johnny Mundo comes in, says HE put Cage in the hospital, says Elgin picked the bones. Elgin says he say Cage standing tall. Mundo says Elgin talks tough about sending people to the hospital like Willie Mack, says Mack is just fine. Elgin says he'll make sure the next ambulance has two beds, one for Mack and one for Mundo.
Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju and Raj Singh) vs. The Deaners (Cody and Cousin Jake) vs. Brent Banks & Aiden Prince vs. The Rascalz (Dez and Wentz)
Chaotic start until things settle down and Raj and Prince go at it. Raj beats up on Prince and the two hit a move on Prince for a two count. Raju and Singh trade tags and continue assaulting Prince. A double elbow for a two count. Prince fights back with chops. Banks gets knocked off apron, Prince gets swung into corner and tags in Cousin Jake who does some ring-wide damage and tags in Cody. The Deaners hit a double move on Raju for a two. Cousin Jake gets worked on by the Rascalz. The Rascalz work to clear the ring. With everyone outside, the Rascalz go for some high-flying acrobatics to the outside. Dezmond hits a unique flip move to the outside. With the ring cleared and one of the Deaners back in the ring, Raju hits a schoolboy, pulling the tights, for the three.
Winners: Desi Hit Squad via pinfall.
-Killer Kross promo vid, hyping a match against Eddie Edwards. Creepy kendo stick-holding vid. Kross says he's expecting an answer, Tick, tock.
-A backstage vid with LAX and Rascalz. A comedy bit. Rascalz can't handle their liquor to LAX's dismay.
Team Swann (Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Fallah Bahh, Tommy Dreamer accompanied by Scarlett Bordeaux) vs. oVe (Sami Callihan, Madman Fulton, Dave and Jake Crist)
Break before match. Back from break and there's already chaos. Everyone's fighting outside. Bahh is in the ring, gets a chair from dreamer, slams Dave Crist while cradling a chair behind him. Swann attacks Jake Crist, Callihan throws Swann out, gets scoop slammed by Mack. Mack slams the Crists and then Fulton. Mack does a standing moonsault to Fulton. Willie flips outside of the ring to clear oVe. Dreamer gets in the ring, teasing a tope suicida. Dave Crist clotheslines Dreamer, goes to the turnbuckle and moonsaults on the outside crowd who just got up. Bahh hits a dive to everyone outside. Dreamer puts oVe, who are still outside the ring, in his crosshairs and flips onto all of them from the apron. Dreamer leaves. BREAK.
Back from break and Dreamer is back with a ladder. Mack and Swann take it and hit Callihan. They set up the ladder in the corner and slam Dave Crist onto it. Dreamer puts the ladder over his head, does a helicopter move. Hits oVe. Fulton gets a chair and hits Dreamer. Fulton clears Team Swann. Fulton sideslams dreamer on the ladder. Fulton takes the ladder and sets it up on the entrance ramp. Dreamer hits Fulton with a trash can lid and hits a neckbreaker. Dreamer gets hit by Jake Crist and rolls out of the ring.
Mack hits Crist and swing him into the corner, Mack begins stacking chairs to slam Crist but Crist reverses and hits a tornado DDT onto the chairs. Bahh comes in to assist,hits Jake then gets hit by Dave Crist. Crist makes his way to the top and gets hit by Bahh. Bahh sets up chairs, climbs the top rope. Fulton comes in for the save. Fulton grabs Bahh, powerbombs him through the chairs. Fulton puts a chair wrapped in barbed wire on Bahh, Dave Crist stomps on to the chair. Bahh kicks out. Swann comes in for the save, gets an elbow from Fulton. Fulton dives towards Swann, Swann pulls the rope as Fulton falls out of the ring. Swann his a cutter on Crist. Goes to the ladder set outside and climbs.
Swann makes his way up… Fulton comes up from behind unbeknownst to Swann. Jake Crist super cutters Swann from the ladder. Bahh hits the save but… Fulton is still on the ladder. Fulton dives, Bahh catches Fulton for a Samoan Drop, gets a two before Callihan makes the save. Dreamer comes in the ring with legos, dumps em on the mat. He hits Callihan with strikes. Callihan grabs Dreamers lil dreamers, Dreamer gets out of the hold, double DDTs Callihan and Dave Crist. Bahh goes to hit Callihan, steps on the lego and is in pain. Says to hell with it and runs through them to splash on Callihan. Signals to go again and Fulton catches him, slams him on the legos. Mack comes in and stunners Fulton. Once normally and once on a chair. Mack puts a trashcan on Fulton and hits an Attack of the Mack on him. Callihan comes in and hits a Cactus Special on Mack on the legos. oVe gets the three.
Winners: oVe via pinfall