View Full Version : C-J Is A Daddy!
The Brahama Bull
09-04-2010, 11:09 PM
This morning at 1:50am local time I C-J became a daddy.Sadly I am not the biological father of the child but I love him all the same.Dennis Authur Stout and his mother Mel are doing fine.My son is going to be in the hospital for at least seven weeks because he was born premature at twenty seven weeks old.
congradulations buddy............this is a special moment
09-05-2010, 04:13 AM
Good on ya mate. Hope all goes well and peace be with you, BROTHER! (Hulkisms rule, lol)
09-05-2010, 08:24 AM
This is AWESOME :) !!!!!! Congratulations :) !!! This is what you always wanted, I am so happy for you :)
You said he was born premature, is everything ok?
09-05-2010, 08:51 AM
Congratulations C-J , all the best :)
The Brahama Bull
09-05-2010, 03:04 PM
My son is doing well.Here is the whole story
Friday night Mel and I had gone to bed she started compliaining her back was kiling her so I took her to the Emergency room at the Pasqua Hospital.I was so worried and was close to crying seeing her lieing there in pain.A nurse came in to do the primary exam she took Mels temp and blood pressure etc.Mel started screaming I'm peeing and when the nurse checked she yelled what the hell and ran for a doctor.I got out of the room to stay out of the way then I heard one of the docotrs say she is giving birth.Mel didn't know she was pregnant so neither did I.Mel thought she had lost the baby quite awhile ago so this was a huge shock.After Mel gave birth she and I went by ambulance to the General Hospitsl with baby about ten minutes behind us.After Mell was checked out and got stitched up she had a couple small rips from the delivery we both finally fell asleep at three thirty am and slept for about five hours when a new nurse woke us up and brought us to Mels room in the maturnity ward.
09-05-2010, 04:06 PM
Congratulations, mate. :}
09-06-2010, 09:34 AM
Wow, what an incredible story, this is a miracle :) Mel must be ecstatic that the child she thought she lost is alive and in her arms :)
And I know you always wanted a family C-J, now everything is going to get INTERESTING :) !!! Had to be scary at the time though!
The Brahama Bull
09-06-2010, 03:11 PM
She is happy but she can't hold him yet he is to small.Its going to about seven weeks before he can come home thats if no major issues arise.
09-07-2010, 08:39 AM
I pray he grows quickly :) Are you stocking up on sleep???
The Brahama Bull
09-07-2010, 03:20 PM
He's doing well.He's breathing on his own witch is a great sign.
I have been trying to Oldie but I have been at Mels side at the hospital for thelast few days so no quick naps.
09-08-2010, 08:47 AM
Awesome, I'm so happy he is doing so well :) How big is he, by the way?
I guess the naps will wait until he is older :)
The Brahama Bull
09-08-2010, 02:50 PM
He wieghs 1.27 kilos.
catch naps whenever you can............the first year will keep you guys busy with night feedings. the baby is a gift from God
09-09-2010, 07:59 AM
Yes, he is a real miracle, I know you'll be an awesome dad, C-J :)
The Brahama Bull
09-10-2010, 04:55 AM
Thanks Oldie.If you like you can see two pics of my son on my facebook page.
09-10-2010, 10:41 AM
He is so cute :) !!! Hopefully he will make his debut in member pics soon?
The Brahama Bull
09-10-2010, 03:19 PM
when he comes home I will be taking tons of pics and posting them.
09-11-2010, 09:48 AM
Awesome :)
Counting the days and hours until he is ready? Has to be hard waiting!!!
The Brahama Bull
09-11-2010, 03:53 PM
It is but its certianly worth the wait.Mel got to hold him for the first time yesterday and I got to help get him out and pout him back in the incubator.I also gave my son a kiss on the forehead.
09-12-2010, 08:36 AM
That is wonderful news, C-J :) !!!
Dennis must be getting a lot stronger every day :)
The Brahama Bull
09-13-2010, 12:33 AM
Yes he is Oldie.They stopped using the special light on him and we took a family photo witch is posted on facebook.
09-13-2010, 11:25 AM
What a perfect picture :)
The Brahama Bull
09-13-2010, 07:56 PM
Yes it is.
dennis is very lucky to have you guys as parents
The Brahama Bull
09-14-2010, 04:20 AM
Thanks Kong
09-14-2010, 09:21 AM
dennis is very lucky to have you guys as parents
I agree, he has a very bright future ahead :)
09-15-2010, 12:45 AM
Congrats. Hope u have fun.
The Brahama Bull
09-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Thanks GreatD
The Brahama Bull
03-29-2011, 09:52 PM
Okay folks its time for an update.We had our pretrail meeting and things are looking good.Once the deal is finalized and a judge okays it we will be able to work towards getting Dennis home in four months.Our lawyer really laid into social services for dropping the ball on our case.So both Mel and I are happy that we will be starting to work with social services to get Denny where he belongs.Also he has been introduced to the world of wrestling and he loves it.
03-30-2011, 08:18 AM
This is wonderful :) !!!!!! He should have been home much sooner, but FINALLY, it's about time to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love to hear everything is great, being a parent is the best job you can have
The Brahama Bull
04-04-2011, 10:08 PM
Here's the latest news Denny has been moved to another foster home due to the stupidity of Melanies cousin.She was mising appointments and he wasn't gaining weight so he was moved.We have met the new foster mother and she is a very nice lady who we have no issues with.We did find out Denny is in the hospital with the flu so we went and visited he is doing fine and iit looks like he will be out by the end of the week.We also met our parent aid and we start working with her next week so its all systems to go.
04-05-2011, 06:50 AM
It sounds like the move was for the best if he wasn't doing well [should have been a move HOME though!]
I pray he is well soon and you get him back ahead of schedule, the sooner the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Brahama Bull
04-05-2011, 09:44 PM
It was for the best as we found out yesterday night that Terri herself is in the hospital from a ton of stress.Denny is doing well he's happy and content.
The Brahama Bull
05-12-2011, 09:48 PM
Well things are looking gray right now.We found out Denny is in whats called stage one heart failure.The two smaller holes in his heart are all closed up but the other hole is bigger then was expected.The hole is causing him to have the blood pressure of a full grown man.Blood in his heart with oxygen all ready in it is mixing with blood with out oxygen causing the high blood pressure.He is on oxygen and I am serious about this viagra to get his pressure down while we wait to hear when he has to go to Edmonton for open heart surgery.
In other news Mel and I have started a parenting class witch we are doing on our own accord.We decided to do this without being asked to show we are willing to work hard to get our son home with us.Seeing as Melanie is native we are going to ask the chief of her band for a letter of intent thay will help with the cost of Dennys operation or at least help to make sure Melanie and I can get there to be with him.
wow CJ my heart goes out to you guys, hang in there and I'm sure i can speak for all the amigos in saying our prayers are with you.
05-13-2011, 03:49 AM
This is awful, I pray he has a miracle and fast :( Are they letting you two spend loads of time with him???
The Brahama Bull
05-13-2011, 01:09 PM
We see him Mondays,Wensdays and Fridays,Sometimes its more when he has a docotors appointment.
06-01-2011, 12:06 PM
Sorry to read about your baby. My prayers are with your family. Hope everything turns out alright.
The Brahama Bull
06-17-2011, 07:27 PM
well things are more confusing then ever right now.We found out last week that the four month is no even in place yet.I asked our worker about it and she told me that the social services was trying to get a hold of our lawyer and couldn't.I went our lawyers office and talked to her assistant.The assistant emailed our lawyer as she was out and our lawyer responded that she talked to the social services lawyer.We have an appointment to talk to our lawyer at 4:00pm on Monday and then hopefully we can find out what the hell is going on.We are very upset because we had our pretrial back in March and as we understood it all the lawyers had to do was has hold there tongues the right way and get some i's dotted and some t's crossed and we where good to go.I'm at the point I may let both Kong and Claire lose on social services.
Also sometime late this month or early next month Denny goes to edmonton for his heart surgeory.
KONG SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-18-2011, 07:49 AM
Line up social services for a jolt too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Brahama Bull
06-28-2011, 05:44 AM
I have a happy update this time last Friday my son said his first word he said daddy!
06-28-2011, 07:17 AM
I have a happy update this time last Friday my son said his first word he said daddy!
That is SO awesome :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-28-2011, 07:32 AM
Woaahh..!!! Man that like the best thing there ever is.. Daddy.. its like the heart melting thing that could ever happen, hearing those words from the little cute child, makes the connection so much stronger and the want of being there for the kid every step of the way.
Thats fantastic CJ........................that is great to hear
Peoples Champion
07-06-2011, 11:43 AM
Congratulations, CJ I Simply Know U Can Done It :)
The Brahama Bull
07-12-2011, 10:15 PM
Okay folks here's a huge update for you my sons heart surgery is this comming monday in Edmonton.We are both nervous and excited for it to be done we know that Denny isn't going to look very good when he comes out of surgery and we are doing all we can to prepare ourselves for it.I ask you all to pray for Denny at this time he needs all he can get.If the hotel has internet I will gett updates on Denny posted as soon as I can on my facebook page and if some one could post them from there to here I would be indebted to you.
you guys are defin in our prayers
07-13-2011, 07:25 AM
C-J, we will all pray HARD - I know God hears, and He is always watching the safety of His children. Denny will fight through this like the champ that he is!!!
The Brahama Bull
07-14-2011, 08:37 PM
Sadly guys I will not be able to post any updats on Denny from Edmonton my laptop was stolen by my fiancees,Cousins oldest son.All she said when se found out was I am sorry about your computer going missing.I ever get my hands oon that little drug head I'll break his freaking neck!
07-15-2011, 12:24 AM
Wow, that was low, stealing from you especially now :( You guys are in everyone's prayers here, you just take care and know you are all going to return home safe and sound
I just hope they find him before he sells it
07-15-2011, 05:45 AM
Yeah... Plus all your personal info on there :(
The Brahama Bull
07-16-2011, 08:32 PM
They only thing personal on the lap top was pictures of baby Dennis thankfully we still have them saved in the camera.
07-17-2011, 02:56 AM
That is wonderful news :) He will get his punishment for stealing...
07-20-2011, 01:55 AM
Update :) C-J posted on Facebook the surgery went well :) !!!!!!!!! Denny is doing good, everyone :)
thank the Lord, CJ that is the best news we have heard in a long while
The Brahama Bull
07-22-2011, 08:32 PM
Dennis is doing great I got a update from his foster mom they removed the last tube from him thursday morning.A x-ray and ultra sound was done on him and things are looking great.As of thursday night Denny was laughing,singing and playing with his toys on his crib and having all the nurses fawn over him.
My son a player all ready LOL
07-23-2011, 04:30 AM
I never expected anything less :) You taught him well!!!!!!!!
The Brahama Bull
08-17-2011, 04:41 AM
Yes I did. Denny is doing fine he is still recovering from surgery.
08-17-2011, 05:07 AM
He's looking great :) How long until you are fairly sure he won't need any more surgeries?
The Brahama Bull
08-17-2011, 05:17 AM
We're not sure yet only time will tell he has one artery in his heart they may have to go in and make bigger.He might also have to have a g-tube put in for feeding as well.
08-17-2011, 05:29 AM
But he is pretty healthy at the moment?
The Brahama Bull
08-17-2011, 05:32 AM
Yes he is.
08-17-2011, 05:44 AM
I guess that's all anyone of any age or health can ask really
The Brahama Bull
08-29-2011, 05:29 AM
Yes its is.
The Brahama Bull
10-19-2011, 07:10 AM
Update: Denny got his g-tube put in today.He's a hurt'n little unit right now but he will come threw like the champ he is.
Also Mel and I have to get another lawyer.The one we had withdrew and went to work for welfare.Figure that one out.Luck for us though it looks like we have a new lawyer all ready thanks to the court workers.The gentle is willing to take the case so it looks like we have to meet him then daddy goes back to war.
I am getting so tirred of this but I'll never stop fighting for my son its time to take my left shoe shine it up real nice!
You may know where I'm going wiht this lol!
Turn that sombitch sidways and shove it striaght up social services candy ass!
10-19-2011, 07:16 AM
Then the other shoe is for the lawyer who gave up on you guys!!! I'm so sorry to hear about this mess, but you definitely have the right view on things - how is Mel taking it? I'm also sorry to hear Denny is in pain, but as you said, he is a champ, I doubt most men would do as well as he does!
The Brahama Bull
10-19-2011, 04:25 PM
Mel is taking things as well as she can.
10-20-2011, 06:48 AM
I know she's being as strong as she can, can't imagine how hard this must be for both of you!!!
The Brahama Bull
10-20-2011, 02:03 PM
It gets so frustrating at times.Its been over a year we have been going tthrough this I just want it to be over so I can get my son home.
I have been thinking of using my own personal weapon of mass destruction on them but turning Claire loose may cause on international incident.LOL
10-21-2011, 08:47 AM
lol, would be well worth it :)
The Brahama Bull
10-23-2011, 04:47 AM
True but its unnessary we had a meeting with the worker.parent aid and foster and got some things cleared up.The big thing we realized is that as things stand we cannot take care of Dennis.His foster mum laid out her day with him and it was a real shocker he needs just about 24/7 care right now.Sure Mel and I could learn to do what the foster mum does but to actually do it no its not realistic at this point.
10-23-2011, 05:00 AM
Wow :( ... How long before you think you'll be able to arrange things?
The Brahama Bull
10-23-2011, 03:41 PM
It all depends on Dennis and how he grows and develops.
anytime you need the services of Kong you just call
The Brahama Bull
10-23-2011, 04:53 PM
I know you have my back and it means the world to me my friend.
Long Live The Amigos! Mess with one deal with us all!
The Brahama Bull
10-25-2011, 05:45 AM
And always if your not down with that the amigos have two words for ya!
11-03-2011, 12:15 AM
Man's favorite things are .. dad ... it was like to melt the heart of things can not happen, small cute children hear these words, make the connection more powerful and are for the children every step of the way there is hope.
The Brahama Bull
11-22-2011, 02:47 PM
Serious update folks.I just got word from Dennys foster mum he is back in hospital and he is having what they think is siezures.He will be in until at least this thursday they want to do a MRI.The the question then is can his doctor mange thing or does Dennt need to see a neurologist.
11-23-2011, 06:29 AM
I pray everything goes well, I am so sorry to hear this :( Denny has come so far, he is such a strong little guy!
The Brahama Bull
11-24-2011, 05:55 AM
They did his MRI today so now its just wait and see what the results are.
11-24-2011, 06:02 AM
That's the hard part too... Has he been ok since that first day they started?
The Brahama Bull
11-28-2011, 04:03 PM
The wait is over and the results are in.Its definately siezures.Denny has what there calling a sist or pcoket of fluid from the brain on his cerebellum.The pressure form the cist or pocket is whats causing the siezures.He has been put on a medication called Depicane to help control his siezures.The cist is the size of a canadian two dollar coin.(Google twoonie to see what the coin looks like.).Eventually they will have to pput a drain in to get rid of the excess fluid it will run down his body to his stomach under the skin.We will know its there we just won't be able to see it.Oh the name of this condition is called a Dandy Walker variant.In three months Denny will see the nurosergeon and we go from there.
11-29-2011, 06:30 AM
Wow... Was hoping it was something with a quick fix, this has to be extra scary for you guys :(
The Brahama Bull
11-29-2011, 04:59 PM
You would think it is but its not.They sent Denny home from the hospital the other day so they must have faith the new medicine that put him on will keep the siezures under control.All we can is wait to see what the future brings.
11-30-2011, 08:19 AM
I'll be praying hard he doesn't have another seizure
The Brahama Bull
11-30-2011, 07:23 PM
Thanks we're doing the same
12-01-2011, 08:07 AM
I ll pray too May God Give Him Health INSHALLAH ....
The Brahama Bull
12-03-2011, 06:46 AM
I have good news they are telling us that Denny doesn't need to have a drain put in just yet.The pressure in his brain are fine alll things considered..The only way they will have to put the drain in is if the pressure in his brain gets to high.So its wait and see what happens.
Thank you Romeo we need all the prayers we can get
12-03-2011, 06:52 AM
I have good news they are telling us that Denny doesn't need to have a drain put in just yet.The pressure in his brain are fine alll things considered..The only way they will have to put the drain in is if the pressure pm his brain gets to high.So its wait and see what happens.
Thank you Romeo we need all the prayers we can get
This is very good news :) Hopefully the start of a happy and healthy Christmas for Denny!!!
The Brahama Bull
12-03-2011, 04:40 PM
Yeah its some good news out of this situation
I'm glad for the good guys deserve it.................. I will continue to have denny in my prayers
The Brahama Bull
12-10-2011, 06:46 AM
From Dennis,Melanie and myself we thank you for the prayers my friend.
As always don't mess with the amigos
The Brahama Bull
01-15-2012, 04:25 PM
Okay we have a huge update with huge good news.As you know Dennis is developmentally behing other kids his age because of his medical isses.Last Sunday at our visit his foster mum told us he finally manged to get rolled over on his tummy for the first time and as we where talking about it he did it again but as he rolled he ended up on his hands and knees.Its a small step in the right direction and we are so pround of him for taking that step.
thats fantastic news............sounds like he will be making more and more advancements, keep us updated as many times as you want
Mr. Anderson
01-15-2012, 09:21 PM
That is awesome news..
01-16-2012, 06:37 AM
This is great - soon he will be crawling :) !!!!!!!!!!
The Brahama Bull
01-16-2012, 02:51 PM
we certianly hope he starts to crawl.He still needs to learn to hold up his head but at least we are going on the right direction.
The Brahama Bull
01-25-2012, 07:49 PM
More good news Denny is starting to be able to feed with a bottle now.We are taking this as another step in the right direction
excellent..........but be careful with the bottled formula..........i will research them for you
ALERT: Food Toxins Found in Baby Formula
By Dr. Mercola
There are many reasons why breastfeeding is a superior option to formula feeding for babies, however, a new study provides one of the most compelling to date.
Infant formulas are typically processed under high heat, and this leads to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGES).
AGES are sugar molecules that attach to and damage proteins in your body.
Not only do they build up in your body over time, leading to oxidation and speeding up the aging process, but they also lead to inflammation, which in turn is linked to a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.
AGES Double in Infants Switched From Breast milk to Formula
If you're a breastfeeding mom who needs encouragement to continue nursing for one year or beyond, consider this fact: when infants were switched from breast milk to commercial formula within the first year of life, their levels of AGEs doubled to levels found in people with diabetes. Many of the infants also had elevated insulin levels, which may be directly attributable to the AGEs in the infant formula. While a woman's blood level of AGEs does impact her newborn's levels (the researchers found newborns' blood levels of AGEs were nearly as high as that of their mother's, which is yet another why pregnant women should cut back on their processed food intake), her breast milk is still a superior source of nutrition. Infant formulas processed with high heat may have 100 times more AGEs than breast milk. As a result, formula-fed babies are being exposed to unacceptably high levels of these toxins, putting their health at risk -- completely unbeknownst to most parents!
Why Exposing Your Baby to High Levels of AGEs Could be Tragic …
Glycation is a process in which the sugar in food bonds with proteins and forms so-called 'advanced glycation end products', or AGEs. It's a fitting acronym because – along with oxidation – it's one of the major molecular mechanisms whereby damage accrues in your body, which leads to disease, aging, and premature death. When sugar is glycated, it contributes to inflammation, which activates your immune system defensively. Macrophages are scavenger cells that are part of your immune defense system, and as such they have special receptors for AGEs, aptly called RAGEs (think: raging inflammation). These RAGEs bind to the AGEs and get rid of them. Unfortunately, this process can leave its fair share of battle scars. Inside your arteries, for example, the scar tissue created from this process is called plaque. This also explains why there's such a strong connection between diabetes and heart disease, and why infants exposed to high levels of AGEs in infant formula may have had elevated insulin levels. To avoid AGEs in your diet, you need to pay attention to avoiding foods cooked at high heat, including processed and pasteurized foods like infant formula. In July 2011, the first study in humans showing that AGEs promote insulin resistance and diabetes was published. People with diabetes who ate an AGE-restricted diet (this included foods that were poached or stewed instead of cooked at high heat, such as grilling, frying or broiling) had a 35 percent decrease in insulin levels, to give you an idea of just how great an impact appropriate dietary changes can have on your, or your child's, health.
Many Infant Formulas are Loaded With Sugar
Tragically, many infant formulas are more than 50 percent sugar -- 43 percent being corn syrup solids, which means they're also high in fructose. Metabolically, consuming fructose is very similar to alcohol on a chronic basis, so there appears to be a surprising similarity between giving your infant a can of soda, or a bottle of most conventional infant formulas.
I've written numerous articles about the dangers of consuming fructose, including its ability to trigger glycation, disturb your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and triglycerides, cause weight gain, heart disease and liver damage, and even deplete your body of vitamins and minerals. There is no way that a baby should be consuming any corn syrup whatsoever, and the fact that infant formulas are able to be marketed as nutritious for babies when they're loaded with corn syrup is incredibly deceptive. If you currently have infant formula in your home, check the label for corn syrup or corn syrup solids, and in the interest of your baby, throw the can away if you find it. Infant Formula is Also Inferior to Breast milk Because of What it Does NOT Contain …
Nearly all commercial infant formulas contain substances your infant is better off avoiding, like corn syrup and AGEs, but it also is lacking in other key components that breast milk naturally provides. Chief among these are probiotics, friendly bacteria that help your body to thrive. In Greek, the term pro means "for life," and the large amount of careful research surrounding these healthful microorganisms suggests that they are an integral part of your, and your child's, well-being. Breast milk is a natural source of probiotics, so babies who are breastfed receive an ideal source of your first immune-building good bacteria, and as a result also tend to have intestinal microflora in which beneficial bifidobacteria predominate over potentially harmful bacteria. Some infant formulas do contain added probiotics, but they are going to be inferior to those that are found naturally in breast milk. Others contain none at all. Ideally, you should be sure you are getting probiotics while you're pregnant, from eating traditionally fermented foods like kefir, natto and sauerkraut, which are rich in probiotics, or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, and then continue these probiotic-rich foods in your infant's diet.
Make Sure You Baby is Also Getting This …
The omega-3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an essential structural component of your brain and retina, is found naturally in breast milk and is missing entirely from many infant formulas. DHA is essential to your child's development and if your child is deficient in it, their nervous and immune system may never fully develop, leading to a lifetime of unexplained emotional, learning and immune system disorders. DHA makes up 15 percent to 20 percent of the cerebral cortex and 30 percent to 60 percent of the retina so it is absolutely necessary for normal development of the fetus and baby.
Because a fetus depends on mother's DHA sources, the constant drain on a mother's DHA reserves can easily lead to a deficiency and some researchers believe that preeclampsia (pregnancy-related high blood pressure) and postpartum depression could be linked to a DHA deficiency -- just one more reason why it's so important to maintain your levels during pregnancy. After your child is born, it's essential that he or she continues to receive DHA either from breast milk or a high-quality animal-based supplement. In the past, the ideal way to receive these fats was from seafood. However in the last 50 years industrial pollution with chemicals and heavy metals has changed all that. In fact, babies exposed in the womb to higher levels of mercury, due to their mom's fish-rich diet, scored lower on skills tests when they became infants and toddlers. To put it simply, the beneficial effects of the omega-3s were cancelled out by the mercury. The best alternative to seafood is an animal-based omega-3 fat supplement, of which krill oil and fish oil are the two major players. But there is reason to believe that krill oil actually offers superior benefits.
Fish oil is certainly more widely known, and this is related to the fact that the bulk of the published studies are done with fish oil and not krill oil. That is changing, but it will take many decades before krill oil catches up to fish oil in terms of popularity. That said, it just doesn't make sense that you and your family have to wait decades to get the benefits of krill oil, as it is, in my opinion, the preferred choice. You can read more about why that is here. I believe all pregnant and breastfeeding women would be wise to supplement with a high-quality animal-based omega-3 fat like krill oil, and if your baby is formula-fed, you can give krill oil to them directly. Consult your holistic pediatrician for proper dosage.
Do You Need Help With Breastfeeding?
Unfortunately, the United States is not the most breastfeeding-friendly culture, so surrounding yourself with women who have experience in this area can be a great help. Whether you want to prepare beforehand, or find you're having trouble breastfeeding once your baby is born, Le Leche League is a terrific resource to consider.
Keep in mind that while there are certain medical conditions that can prevent a woman from breastfeeding, the majority of women are able to produce adequate supplies of milk and breastfeed successfully. Often, those who believe they cannot may be misinformed, and believe they don't have enough milk; this is a common misperception. However, in the vast majority of circumstances, all women have enough milk to breastfeed.
The more your baby nurses, the more milk you will produce. Mom needs to drink plenty of water and seek optimal nutrition while nursing, and the beginning weeks and months are critical in the process. If you find you are unable to breastfeed, the next best alternative is donated breast milk from a healthy, trusted donor, which has been screened for hepatitis C and HIV. If that is not available, another option is to make a healthy homemade infant formula. There may be others, but here is one recipe for homemade formula created by the Weston Price Foundation, which I believe is sound. As an aside, definitely avoid all soy infant formula, as it is loaded with toxic elements like high doses of manganese and aluminum, not to mention the hormone-disrupting potential of the soy itself.
BEST Infant Food for Infants of Moms that Can't Breast Feed
Women all over the U.S. are starting to sell what has been called “a mother's natural liquid gold”: human breast milk. A month's supply can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,200 dollars.
It can provide an extra source of money for mothers who produce an over-abundance of milk, and it provides a service for those who cannot breast feed.
News reports:
“[One woman was asked] if pumping her milk and putting it in the mail didn't ‘seem weird’ to her. ‘It definitely did seem weird to me but I knew I was helping a family in need,’ she replied. ‘Their child wasn't responding well to formula, was having a lot of tummy aches and spit-ups. So I figured if I was able to help this child with breast milk because their mother wasn't able to, then I might as well help them out.’”
Dr. Mercola's Comments
Breast milk is turning into a hot commodity online, fueled by growing acknowledgement that natural mother's milk is the best food for babies. Nursing women are now earning up to $1,200 a month in extra income from selling their extra milk to other families, many of whom are pairing up online via Craigslist and other classified sites. It's a novel idea that actually dates back to ancient times, when wet nurses (women who breastfeed babies other than their own) were used for a variety of purposes -- including in some cases by members of the aristocracy, who would have their children wet nursed so they could conceive again quickly. It was actually common among poor women in the ancient world to supplement their income by wet nursing. Nowadays, most women looking to purchase breast milk online are doing so because they cannot produce enough of their own, or perhaps are taking drugs that make their own breast milk unusable. Perhaps they have adopted an infant and would like to provide breast milk but are physically unable. Theoretically, this is a far superior option to using infant formula, but there are some caveats and risks that need to be considered.
Is Buying Breast Milk Online a Good Idea?
Breast milk is a near perfect food that is unquestionably the best nourishment you can provide for your baby. But it does have one downfall: its nutritional value is influenced by the mother's diet -- and its safety is also dependent on the mother's health.
For instance, certain infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C may be transmitted through breast milk, as can chemical contaminants and some illegal and prescription drugs. If a woman is eating a vegan diet, there are also potential risks of vitamin deficiencies in the milk. As with all foods, if the milk is not handled and stored properly, it also risks spoilage or contamination that could sicken a young child. So to answer the question, is buying breast milk online a good idea, it depends. If you can be confidently certain that the milk is pure. But buying milk from a stranger who may not have been screened for disease or drug use, and who you have no idea how they are handling the milk (or whether the breast pump they are using is sterile) is a serious risk to consider when making this choice. However, if you choose to use this route to obtain breast milk, you should get a personal health history of the donor, and then have the breast milk tested for hepatitis C and HIV. An alternative to help ensure breast milk safety would be to have the donor tested for infectious diseases, which is what most state-run human milk banks require. For instance, The Mothers' Milk Bank of Ohio requires that all donors be screened for HIV, HTLV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and syphilis. However, this only ensures safety of the milk through the test date, and does not guarantee against any newly contracted infections. However, the risk is very low if they test negative initially.
As stated by the La Leche League:
"Health care providers and researchers have expressed concern that the casual exchange of human milk could be a potential route of transmission for drugs and viruses.
CEO, National Commission on Donor Milk Banking and PhD candidate Lois Arnold, MPH, IBCLC states: "Because some individuals may have a viral or bacterial infection but remain asymptomatic (without symptoms) they may never know they are infecting another party. For this reason, 'knowing someone well' would be inadequate protection against disease transmission because the carrier is unaware she is infected.""
Warning about Human Milk Banks: The Milk is Pasteurized
Human milk banks are available across the United States, with varying safety standards at each. Some states require set safety standards, but most of the banks use voluntary safety guidelines on screening donors and collecting, processing, handling, testing and storing milk. Your state's department of health can give you information about milk banks in your area, and you can also check the Human Milk Banking Association of North America for human milk banks in this region (HMBANA issues voluntary safety guidelines for member banks). You might be wondering why I don't recommend using this service. This is because there is a major downside to using breast milk from human milk banks: the milk has been pasteurized and this is even a more serious issue for feeding infants, as many of the essential immune-building elements will be decimated in the pasteurization process and your infant will fail to receive this crucial support when they need it the most.
If you're familiar with the differences between pasteurized cow's milk and raw cow's milk, it is precisely the same issue with breast milk. Pasteurization destroys valuable enzymes, vitamins and probiotics, which means pasteurized breast milk is likely an entirely different food from breast milk that is not pasteurized. Remember, breast milk is meant to be eaten straight from the breast, and there is research showing that pasteurization compromises the nutritional value of breast milk.
For instance:
•A study in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition found that "Infants fed untreated own mother's milk grew more rapidly than those fed pasteurized pooled preterm milk and had higher serum alkaline phosphatase and lower phosphorus values."
•A separate study in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition noted:
"A study was done to compare feeding pooled pasteurized breast milk and untreated own mother's milk to very low birth weight babies. There was a significantly more rapid weight gain both in terms of regaining birth weight and, from this point, to reaching a weight of 1,800 g when using untreated own mother's milk
… It is suggested from our data that slower weight gain in the group receiving the pooled pasteurized milk could be due to the pasteurization, which probably destroys heat-labile milk lipase." So while human milk banks are a fantastic idea, the sad reality is that milk obtained from them -- assuming it is pasteurized, as is standard process at most milk banks -- is far inferior to breast milk that is unpasteurized. An alternative option to obtain unpasteurized breast milk straight from a donor may be to work with a physician or pediatrician who will work with you to find a safe milk donor, and will be involved in the screening process.
La Leche League recommends:
"A mother who is unable to use a human milk bank is encouraged to use the services of a doctor who is knowledgeable about managing human milk donations. The doctor will order the necessary testing for the donor mother, and make sure that the mothers involved in the donation are given the correct management information about human milk expression, storage and transportation."
Before You Seek Donor Milk …
There are certain medical conditions that can prevent a woman from breastfeeding, however the majority of women are able to produce adequate supplies of milk and breastfeed successfully. Often, those who believe they cannot may be misinformed, and believe they don't have enough milk; this is a common misperception. However, in the vast majority of circumstances, all women have enough milk to breastfeed. The more the baby nurses, the more milk you will produce! Mom needs to drink plenty of water and seek optimal nutrition while nursing. The begining weeks and months are critical in the process.
As the La Leche League states:
"If a mother is seeking donated milk the first question to consider is whether or not she can supply her own milk. Some mothers need to know that they will be able to breastfeed their babies in less than ideal or special circumstances. For example, many mothers have been able to provide their own milk for their premature or ill babies. Many mothers also continue to breastfeed after returning to work and, in most cases, provide sufficient milk.
In other cases, because of lack of knowledge or a poor start, a mother may be in a situation where her body is not producing enough milk. Increasing frequency of nursing, making sure the baby is latched on correctly, and offering both breasts at each feeding are some of the proven techniques that help most nursing mothers increase their supply."
Ideally, you'll want to strive to breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first 6 months, at which point you can begin to supplement with solid foods. (But remember, even breastfeeding for as little as one month can impart great health benefits for both you and your baby.)
You should begin nursing as soon after birth as possible, as your baby's sucking instinct will be very strong at that time, giving you the best chance of success. In the beginning, the milk that is produced is called colostrum -- a thick, golden-yellow fluid that is very gentle for your baby's stomach and full of beneficial antibodies.
As your baby continues to nurse, your milk will gradually change in color and consistency from thick and yellow, to thinner with a bluish-white hue. Newborns need to nurse at least once every two hours, for about 15 minutes or so on each side, but most do not adhere to any kind of strict schedule and feedings can vary in length. It is this frequent nursing that stimulates your breasts to produce increasing amounts of milk to keep up with demand.
There's virtually no need to fret should your baby lose a little weight during the first week or so. This is normal, and she should have regained the weight by about two weeks of age.
You may even want to begin planning for successful breastfeeding before your baby is even born. One consideration to take into account is that epidurals may have a detrimental effect. One 2007 study discovered that women who receive epidural anesthesia during childbirth with the narcotic fentanyl may have trouble breastfeeding.
Whether you want to prepare beforehand, or find you're having trouble breastfeeding once your baby is born, Le Leche League is a terrific resource to contact for help.
A Quick Word about Infant Formula
That breast milk is the best source of nutrition for newborns is one of the most clear-cut, non-debatable topics in health care, and you can find out about many of the benefits here. However, if for whatever reason you're unable to breastfeed or find a safe source of breast milk, please steer clear of commercial infant formulas as much as possible and definitely avoid all soy infant formula, as it is loaded with toxic elements like high doses of manganese and aluminum. It is among the worst commercial foods you could give your baby. It is likely that at some point in the future when all the health complications are fully appreciated, it will be removed from the market and banned.
The next best alternative to breast milk is to make a healthy homemade infant formula.
There may be others, but here is one recipe for homemade formula created by the Weston Price Foundation, which I believe is sound.
The Brahama Bull
06-06-2012, 03:39 PM
Well its time for a huge update concerning my son.Last week I had a quick meeting witht he worker and was informed that they will be asking for a permanent order for him the worker explianed that after a child has been in there care for a certian amount of time its policy to ask for the pernanent order witch means he won't be comming home.It hurts to say but its the best thing for him I can't afford his medical bills as well as I just don't have the time it would take to care for him.He has not progressed with his feeds and is still not crawling.I know as he gets older taking care of him will become an even bigger job.I take comfort in the fact that I will always be part of my sons life and he will always be part of mine.
06-07-2012, 11:15 AM
Accepting that had to be the hardest thing :( You will be allowed to visit whenever you want though? If so, maybe one day a miracle will happen!!! There are medical breakthroughs all the time... Will he be adopted by the caregiver?
There is always hope, as Oldschool said, there is Medical breakthroughs every day. in the meantime you and your family will always be in our prayers
The Brahama Bull
06-07-2012, 04:14 PM
Yes he will stay with his foster mom.As for adopting him out I have a hard seeing that happen.Simplely because he needs so much medical attenion not to mention the cost of taking care of him ie presciptions having to travel to get places by cab or even having to travel out of town it seems to me that he will be a ward of social services until he turns eighteen.Yes I will be able to see him.
It will be tough but you guys need to hang on to each other and support each other. The Lord works in mysterious ways
The Brahama Bull
06-07-2012, 06:54 PM
It is tough and Kong I am no longer with Dennys momther I have a new lady who is wonderfully supportive of me.
06-08-2012, 05:59 PM
C-J, it's great that things have worked out this way, and Denny is truly blessed to be surrounded by such love! I know even after he turn 18 he will still have all of the support needed to live a full life, so many foster kids don't have that. As Kong said, God has a plan! This plan was in effect long before Denny was born too, so many things came together for this to happen - he must have some really great purpose in life!!!
The Brahama Bull
06-11-2012, 06:25 PM
I hope and pray your right Oldschool.Denny is a wonderfull little boy who I will always be there for no matter what.
AND THATS THE MAIN THING!children need support and also need to be loved! it can be frustrating at times and I know from experience doing the right thing isn't always easy! My eldest girl just graduated High School and actually missed her last two days [it was ok because she finished all her classes]. her boyfriend who is living with us [that is another story but his parents are totally useless] apparently got her pregnent while she was on the pill, she never showed but appeared a little chubby........and she actually had her peroid a few monthes back. Anyway, she had cramps wed, took the day off because of it and then missed thur. about 5 pm her cramps were pretty severe so we took her to the emergancy room [thinking she had the cramps because of her peroid]. she gave birth [she didn't even know] and we had a 7 lb grandson. anyway, her boyfriend is still with us, I insist that he finish school [he is only 16] and go for his goal which is entering the service. then and only then when I see a paycheck that tells me he can support the three of them can he ask for her hand in marriage. NOT UNTILL. Meanwhile my daughter is at home where we can take care of her and the baby! Family is Familyand if he is to be my son-in-law he has too earn it!
06-12-2012, 07:09 AM
Good for you Kong - and congratulations on the grandson :) Is he healthy???
06-12-2012, 09:08 AM
Congratulations, Kong! But 16 years old? I'll be 18 soon and I don't think I'd be ready for that (especially if my parents weren't supporting me). But... We're all different!
the baby is very healthy, thank you. and so is the Mom, despite the fact there was no pre-natel care!
06-12-2012, 09:45 AM
A true miracle :)
The Brahama Bull
06-18-2012, 06:19 PM
Congrats Kong may your your grandson grow to be a healthy young man who turns the world upside down.
I had a great fathers day I got a text from Denny while from his foster for him telling me happy fathers day.
06-18-2012, 06:42 PM
That's so awesome, C-J :)
The Brahama Bull
06-19-2012, 08:47 PM
Yeah it really made my day
It's great that his foster parents keep you included in his life!
The Brahama Bull
08-16-2012, 11:50 PM
Dennys foster mom is a real sweet heart.I had even told her that if some how Denny ever got out of the welfare system she would be able to see him when ever she wanted.I made my son a promise that I will keep no matter what.
My promise to him was this No matter when no matter where if he needs me daddy will be there.
There is no force or person on this planet or in the universe that will stop me from keeping my keep my promise to my boy.
If any one tries I am sending Clair after them.
08-17-2012, 08:18 AM
Dennys foster mom is a real sweet heart.I had even told her that if some how Denny ever got out of the welfare system she would be able to see him when ever she wanted.I made my son a promise that I will keep no matter what.
My promise to him was this No matter when no matter where if he needs me daddy will be there.
There is no force or person on this planet or in the universe that will stop me from keeping my keep my promise to my boy.
If any one tries I am sending Clair after them.
That's so awesome :) And I know there will be many times he will need and want you! [Every important milestone and holiday for sure, plus the everyday things]
My promise to him was this No matter when no matter where if he needs me daddy will be there.
There is no force or person on this planet or in the universe that will stop me from keeping my keep my promise to my boy.
If any one tries I am sending Clair after them.
don't forget Kong is always available for some stomping
The Brahama Bull
08-20-2012, 05:38 AM
I know every one has my back and it means a lot to me.
once an amigo, always an amigo!
The Brahama Bull
08-27-2012, 06:29 PM
once an amigo, always an amigo!
Oh its true Its damn true
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