02-08-2012, 06:19 PM
A farmer had a very sick mule, so he called tbe veterinarian.
He took his little black bag, and upon arriva~ took the mule's
pulse, temperature, and all the things that you do when you
examine a sick mule.
The vet said, "Ibis is a very sick mule, and I want you to give
it these little white pills immediately. These white ones are
very potent, and will cure practically anything a sick mule has.
"But, just to be sure, wait four hours and give tbe mule one of
these red pills. They are so strong, they will cure anything."
The farmer and doctor met in about two weeks, and tbe doctor
asked tbe farmrer what happened to tbe mule.
"When, I gave him tbe white pills like you told me, Doc.
And I never saw so much reaction from one mule in all my life.
He kicked down the barn door, tbe back fence and took off across
the country. I thought I had lost my nmle."
"Did you lose him," the doctor asked.
"You know, Doc, if I hadn't had the presence of mind to take
that red pill myself; that mule would have been long gone."
A farmer had a very sick mule, so he called tbe veterinarian.
He took his little black bag, and upon arriva~ took the mule's
pulse, temperature, and all the things that you do when you
examine a sick mule.
The vet said, "Ibis is a very sick mule, and I want you to give
it these little white pills immediately. These white ones are
very potent, and will cure practically anything a sick mule has.
"But, just to be sure, wait four hours and give tbe mule one of
these red pills. They are so strong, they will cure anything."
The farmer and doctor met in about two weeks, and tbe doctor
asked tbe farmrer what happened to tbe mule.
"When, I gave him tbe white pills like you told me, Doc.
And I never saw so much reaction from one mule in all my life.
He kicked down the barn door, tbe back fence and took off across
the country. I thought I had lost my nmle."
"Did you lose him," the doctor asked.
"You know, Doc, if I hadn't had the presence of mind to take
that red pill myself; that mule would have been long gone."