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02-08-2012, 06:22 PM
10 Biggest Accidental Inventions

So you think that you made a big mistake? Perhaps you didn't.
These are the 10 greatest accidental inventions of all time.

1. The Microwave - Percy L. Spencer

Percy Spencer, an engineer at Raytheon after his WWI stint in
the Navy, was known as an electronics genius. In 1945, Spencer
was fiddling with a microwave-emitting magnetron-used in the
guts of radar arrays-when he felt a strange sensation in his
pants. A sizzling, even. Spencer paused and found that a
chocolate bar in his pocket had started to melt. Figuring that
the microwave radiation of the magnetron was to blame (or to
credit, as it would turn out), Spencer immediately set out to
realize the culinary potential at work. The end result was the
microwave oven-savior of eager snackers and single dudes

2. Saccharin - Ira Remsen, Constantin Fahlberg

In 1879, Ira Remsen and Constantin Fahlberg, at work in a
laboratory at Johns Hopkins University, paused to eat. Fahlberg
had neglected to wash his hands before the meal-which usually
leads to a quick death for most chemists, but led to him
noticing an oddly sweet flavor during his meal. Artificial
sweetener! The duo published their findings together, but it was
only Fahlberg's name that made it onto the (incredibly
lucrative) patent, now found in pink packets at tables
everywhere. That is to say, Remsen got screwed-he later
remarked, "Fahlberg is a scoundrel. It nauseates me to hear my
name mentioned in the same breath with him."

3. Slinky - Richard James

In 1943, Navy engineer Richard James was trying to figure out
how to use springs to keep the sensitive instruments aboard
ships from rocking themselves to death, when he knocked one of
his prototypes over. Instead of crashing to the floor, it
gracefully sprang downward, and then righted itself. So
pointless-so nimble-so slinky. The spring became a goofy toy of
many childhoods-that is before every kid inevitably gets theirs
all twisted up and ruins it. 300 million sold worldwide!

4. Play-Doh - Kutol Products

Before being found ground into the rugs of child-rearing homes
everywhere, Play-Doh was ironically created to be a cleaning
product. The paste was first marketed as a treatment for filthy
wallpaper-before the company that produced it began to go down
the tubes. The discovery that saved Kutol Products-headed for
bankruptcy-wasn't that their wall cleaner worked particularly
well, but that schoolchildren were beginning to use it to create
Christmas ornaments as arts and crafts projects. By removing the
compound's cleanser and adding colors and a fresh scent, Kutol
spun their wallpaper saver into one of the most iconic toys of
all time-and brought mega-success to a company headed for
destruction. Sometimes, you don't even know how brilliant you
are until someone notices for you.

5. Super Glue - Harry Coover

In what have been a very messy moment of discovery in 1942, Dr.
Harry Coover of Eastman-Kodak Laboratories found that a
substance he created-cyanoacrylate-was a miserable failure. It
was not, to his dismay, at all suited for a new precision gun
sight as he had hoped-it infuriatingly stuck to everything it
touched. So it was forgotten. Six years later, while overseeing
an experimental new design for airplane canopies, Coover found
himself stuck in the same gooey mess with a familiar foe-
cyanacrylate was proving useless as ever. But this time, Coover
observed that the stuff formed an incredibly strong bond without
needing heat. Coover and his team tinkered with sticking various
objects in their lab together, and realized they had finally
stumbled upon a use for the maddening goop. Coover slapped a
patent on his discovery, and in 1958, a full 16 years after he
first got stuck, cyanoacrylate was being sold on shelves.

6. Teflon - Roy Plunkett

The next time you make a frustration-free omelette, thank
chemist Roy Plunkett, whose experienced immense frustration
while inadvertently inventing Teflon in 1938. Plunkett had hoped
to create a new variety of chlorofluorocarbons (better known as
universally-despised CFCs), when he came back to check on his
experiment in a refrigeration chamber. When he inspected a
canister that was supposed to be full of gas, he found that it
appeared to have vanished-leaving behind only a few white
flakes. Plunkett was intrigued by these mysterious chemical
bits, and began at once to experiment with their properties. The
new substance proved to be a fantastic lubricant with an
extremely high melting point-perfect at first for military gear,
and now the stuff found finely applied across your non-stick

7. Bakelite - Leo Baekeland

In 1907, shellac was commonly used to insulate the innards of
early electronics-think radios and telephones. This was fine,
aside from the fact that shellac is made from Asian beetle poop,
and not exactly the cheapest or easiest way to insulate a wire.
What Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland found in instead was-get
ready-polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride, the world's first
synthetic plastic, commonly known as Bakelite. This pioneering
plastic was moldable into virtually any shape, in any color, and
could hold its form against high temperatures and daily wear-
making it a star among manufacturers, jewelers, and industrial

8. Pacemaker - Wilson Greatbatch

An assistant professor at the University of Buffalo thought he
had ruined his project. Instead of picking a 10,000-ohm resistor
out of a box to use on a heart-recording prototype, Wilson
Greatbatch took the 1-megaohm variety. The resulting circuit
produced a signal that sounded for 1.8 milliseconds, and then
paused for a second-a dead ringer for the human heart.
Greatbatch realized the precise current could regulate a pulse,
overriding the imperfect heartbeat of the ill. Before this
point, pacemakers were television-sized, cumbersome things that
were temporarily attached to patients from the outside. But now
the effect could be achieved with a small circuit, perfect to
tuck into someone's chest.

9. Velcro - George de Mestral

A dog invented velcro.

Alright, that's something of an exaggeration, but a dog did play
an instrumental role. Swiss engineer George de Mestral was out
for a hunting trip with his pooch, and noticed the annoying
tendency of burrs to stick to its fur (and his socks). Later,
looking under a microscope, Mestral observed the tiny "hooks"
that stuck burrs to fabrics and furs. Mestral experimented for
years with a variety of textiles before arriving at the newly
invented nylon-though it wasn't until two decades later that
NASA's fondness for velcro popularized the tech.

10. X-Rays - Wilhelm Roentgen

Okay, yes, x-rays are a phenomenon of the natural world, and
thus can't be created. But sshhh! The story of their discovery
is a fascinating one of incredible chance. In 1895, German
physicist Wilhelm Roentgen was performing a routine experiment
involving cathode rays, when he noticed that a piece of
fluorescent cardboard was lighting up from across the room. A
thick screen had been placed between his cathode emitter and the
radiated cardboard, proving that particles of light were passing
through solid objects. Amazed, Roentgen quickly found that
brilliant images could be produced with this incredible
radiation-the first of their kind being a skeletal image of his
wife's hand.

~from Gizmodo.com~