View Full Version : Get a Load of This Slightly Threatening Email From the Obama Re-Election Campaign

02-29-2012, 06:12 PM
Get a Load of This Slightly Threatening Email From the Obama Re-Election Campaign
Quick question: if you received the following email from, say, your local church or some other charitable organization, would you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable?

Courtesy WZ [emphases added]:

As you may have noticed, we’ve asked you for a donation a few times now.

But according to our records, you haven’t yet made an online donation to this campaign at this email address. (If our records are wrong, I apologize and thank you!)

I’m not writing to ask you for money again. I’m actually writing to ask your opinion about why you haven’t given, and what you think would inspire you or other Obama supporters like you to decide to take the leap and donate.

We have two quick questions for you. Can you take a minute to answer them?

There’s a good reason we’re asking for your feedback: The kind of organization we all decided to be a part of only works if people like you pitch in to build it.

It’s also the reason no other candidate has been able to match our level of grassroots support. This isn’t the easiest way to run a campaign — but we know it’s the right way.

That’s why we want to know what you’re thinking.

Thanks so much,


Rufus Gifford

National Finance Director

Obama for America

As mentioned in above, if this email were sent by a charitable organization such as the American Red Cross, we would feel a little harassed. But to receive an email like this from a national political campaign, well, that would make us feel downright nervous.

02-29-2012, 06:13 PM
makes me thankful Iv'e never donated to his campaign, it sounds very threatening