View Full Version : My Future

05-31-2012, 01:00 PM
So I've nearly finished my GCSE exams. I got about 5 or 6 roughly to go, with my final one being maths on June 19th. I plan on staying on for A-Levels and I am taking Religious Studies, Psychology and Media Studies. I have applied for a job and I have a job interview on Wednesday at 10:30 am.

I wanted to do all of this. But now I'm looking at everything I've got sorted myself at the moment and I really don't feel like I want any of it. The job I do want because it's money so I can have a good Summer with my friends. But I'm questioning my decision to stay on for my A-levels. Maybe it's because I feel stressed about my exams recently. I feel like I'm not going to get the grades I need to get and want for my GCSE's. Some of the exams I have had have been bad for me. My second RE one had two awkwardly worded 12 mark questions (everyone found it hard). The chemistry I am terrible at so I found exam hard, was only one to find it hard. Then English I wrote about the wrong thing because I didn't read the question properly. Seems like I've messed up 3 of my 8 exams I have already done.

Has anyone gone through this feeling? The feeling of not knowing what you actually want to do in life. I'm just getting this stuff sorted so that I'm actually doing something. One thing I want to do when I'm older is actually try do MMA, sounds silly but I really want to at least try to do it.

05-31-2012, 03:52 PM
At least you didn't do what I did in my exams cause of nervousness, I wrote french on my german paper and german on my french .

As long as you do your best on your exams that's all anyone can ask for, and if you aren't happy with your results, there's always resits at college or some schools with sixth form so seriously don't make yourself ill stressing yourself out.

05-31-2012, 05:53 PM
Agreed, that type of stress will never help you... Caring about your marks is a great thing, but being too nervous is counterproductive.

If you want to try MMA that isn't silly at all, go for it!

06-01-2012, 06:39 AM
I'm trying to do the best I can because these exams are really important. But when it comes to revision, I'm struggling pretty bad. I just can't sit there and read over past papers or text book. I just find it impossible. I've tried doing other things like mind maps and they haven't really helped at all.

Today is my ICT exam, our teacher has barely taught us anything. She's been trying to teach us unit 3 more but she's been doing bad at it as she just reads from a text book, goes over it really fast. Then spends the next 2 or 3 lessons going over something simple like bitmap and vector graphics. Not going to pass this one.

EDIT: I feel bad complaining about this. Considering everyone has to go through this, I'm just being a little b**ch.

06-01-2012, 11:51 AM
hey deadpool, don't worry so much! let things fall in place and keep trying to do your best.

06-01-2012, 04:00 PM
Update on my ICT exam. Was very easy and I'm pretty sure I did good. The second exam coming I don't think i'll do as good but I'll do okay.

06-01-2012, 04:09 PM
deadpool I was one of the first lot to take the GCSE's when they stopped doing O'levels, here in the UK and at least now at least your teachers have a clue about what they are doing back then most were to stuck in the old way of doing things.

I get what you mean but there are some great websites out there to help you do revision try the BBC site they normally have some good revision help, have had three sons use that site and all have done well and are all now at college doing exactly when they want

01-27-2013, 01:21 AM
loool Stingette ... you wrote Rammstien on Rafale and Rafale on Rammstien !! :P

I chose Animation and cinematic as my study subjects .. but now i want complete different thingy ... I want to be a civil guy .. District Magistrate kinda thing ... I chose animation because my creativity is good and my mom was an amazing artist ...and my grandpa was Magistrate ... both things are i guess inherited .. either the way ... both are completely different fields ... and it's kinda funny how i can relate to both of these .. I am in my final semester of my animation degree .. and im ready to apply for an exam for civil services too .. lets see what fate has for me ....

01-27-2013, 05:13 AM
animation sounds cool, it can be an amazing and creative process