View Full Version : AP Summer Intern Found Dead in Mexico City Elevator Shaft

07-18-2012, 05:10 PM
AP Summer Intern Found Dead in Mexico City Elevator Shaft
In one of the more sad and disturbing things you'll hear from Mexico today, an Associated Press intern named Armando Montano, 22, was found dead in an elevator shaft in Mexico City over the weekend. "He was not on assignment at the time of his death," the AP reports. Montano was found dead in an elevator shaft near where he was living, and police are still investigating the circumstances of his death. Per the AP, "The US embassy is monitoring the course of the investigation."

Though the news of any summer intern dying is disturbing by itself, we can't ignore the fact that this happened in Mexico--where cartels have made journalism a dangerous occupation. Back in May we had reported the rash of journalists being killed in the country: former journalist Rene Orta Sagado found dead in a car trunk; journalist Marco Avila found in a garbage bag on May 18; photojournalists Gabriel Huge, Esteban Rodriguez, William Moon found dismembered on May 4; reporter Regina Martinez found slain in her home in April ... You get the picture. On June 25, Montano had reported on police officers being killed in a drug trafficking sting at Mexico City's international airport--a departure from earlier stories he was writing for the AP, like Bieber fans camping out and enduring roaches on June 10 (his first story), and baby elephants finding a new home on a reserve in Puebla, Mexico on June 11.

"Armando was a smart, joyful, hardworking and talented young man," said Marjorie Miller, AP's Latin America editor. "In his short time with the AP, he won his way into everyone's hearts with his hard work, his effervescence and his love of the profession."

07-18-2012, 05:12 PM
R.I.P. Armando, I hope they catch who ever was resposible