View Full Version : Well My College is Set Up

05-15-2013, 11:39 PM
Today I took my college entrance exam compas thing. I did perfect on the reading, and Above Average on the Writing. Terrible on the Math. Apparently my math skills are of that of a 7th grade level lol. So, I have an extra writing class, and 3 extra maths. So in 2 years of college (probably will turn to three now) I will have 4 maths as opposed to 1. Here is my schedule.

Windows OS Administration and Troubleshooting: MW 10-11:15
Microsoft Applications: Online
A+ Hardware Essentials: TR 2:30-3:45
Writing Skills: TR 5:30-6:45
Dev Arithmetic Skills: 5:30-6:45
First Year Seminar - ORNt: 4:30-5:20 T

I tried to get them all in the evening because I'm getting a job with the city. Well, I ended up not being able to get them all in the evening. So, if this job does pull through - which it probably will. Small city, and I have a lot of family who retired from there, and a few who just where hired. I'll probably just use it as a summer job, and being my classes start August 19 or something around there I'll put in my two week notice around the end of July beginning of August. Then hopefully can find somewhere to work around college, or at least doubles on Friday and Saturday/Sunday. I hope so anyway.

05-16-2013, 06:30 AM
Am sure we can come to some arrangement to allow you to continue as a mod when you go to college, I am also rejoining the ranks of the higher learning later this year when I go to Uni, so I understand what you will be going through.

05-16-2013, 06:37 PM
Definitely, I'm sure we will figure out a schedule - congratulations to both of you :) !!!!!!!!!

05-24-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks you guys! ANd goodluck Stingette. I hope I can keep my mod spot. I just some days run out of hours in a day to do everything. ANd sadly my section sometimes is the last thing I have to accomplish for the day. I do apologize for not posting each day, but I do my best to make sure it is at least on a weekly basis and comment on posts on a every couple days basis. It's summer now though so I will be able to be more active. Now I just have work then nothing else to do although some days are 12-15 hour shifts bleh! lol.

05-28-2013, 04:53 PM
We all have days like that... You'll get used to them, lol