07-16-2014, 07:24 PM
Images have been passed around today of a 260-ft. wide hole in Siberia’s Yamal Peninsula. While experts are still just guessing at the origins of the newly discovered crater, there is a possibility that the pockmark in the landscape could have been there for as long as 2 years. The depth of the hole has yet to be discovered or any real details, but Russian scientists are leaning towards the possibility of a large underground gas explosion which originated from underground.
UFO enthusiasts have there own theories to explain the burned edges and etched trails that run down the lip of the crater. They are crossing their fingers for an extra-terrestrial discovery or possibly just a large meteorite. The edges of the area around the hole do appear to be blackened but this also supports theories of a gas explosion causing those burned areas.
The Yamal Peninsula is barren except for pipelines that trace across the landscape connecting natural gas mining operations with the rest of Russia. The lack of society to complain has also meant a severe lack of oversight or regulation on how that resource is gathered.
(from the Siberian Times)
Anna Kurchatova from Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Centre thinks the crater was formed by a water, salt and gas mixture igniting an underground explosion, the result of global warming. She postulates that gas accumulated in ice mixed with sand beneath the surface, and that this was mixed with salt – some 10,000 years ago this area was a sea.
Global warming, causing an ‘alarming’ melt in the permafrost, released gas causing an effect like the popping of a Champagne bottle cork, she suggests.
Given the gas pipelines in this region such a happening is potentially dangerous.
At this point in time, we are still just guessing. However, the mystery seems fairly telling that more disaster could be imminent in the future with similar dramatic results. Let’s just hope the UFO-fans are right on this one and it really is just some alien coming down to check for intelligent life. That would be a much less frightening scenario.
Anyone else feeling a little queasy about the number of earthquakes we are seeing around natural gas drilling in America now?
Images have been passed around today of a 260-ft. wide hole in Siberia’s Yamal Peninsula. While experts are still just guessing at the origins of the newly discovered crater, there is a possibility that the pockmark in the landscape could have been there for as long as 2 years. The depth of the hole has yet to be discovered or any real details, but Russian scientists are leaning towards the possibility of a large underground gas explosion which originated from underground.
UFO enthusiasts have there own theories to explain the burned edges and etched trails that run down the lip of the crater. They are crossing their fingers for an extra-terrestrial discovery or possibly just a large meteorite. The edges of the area around the hole do appear to be blackened but this also supports theories of a gas explosion causing those burned areas.
The Yamal Peninsula is barren except for pipelines that trace across the landscape connecting natural gas mining operations with the rest of Russia. The lack of society to complain has also meant a severe lack of oversight or regulation on how that resource is gathered.
(from the Siberian Times)
Anna Kurchatova from Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Centre thinks the crater was formed by a water, salt and gas mixture igniting an underground explosion, the result of global warming. She postulates that gas accumulated in ice mixed with sand beneath the surface, and that this was mixed with salt – some 10,000 years ago this area was a sea.
Global warming, causing an ‘alarming’ melt in the permafrost, released gas causing an effect like the popping of a Champagne bottle cork, she suggests.
Given the gas pipelines in this region such a happening is potentially dangerous.
At this point in time, we are still just guessing. However, the mystery seems fairly telling that more disaster could be imminent in the future with similar dramatic results. Let’s just hope the UFO-fans are right on this one and it really is just some alien coming down to check for intelligent life. That would be a much less frightening scenario.
Anyone else feeling a little queasy about the number of earthquakes we are seeing around natural gas drilling in America now?