View Full Version : Cyber Security Costs UK Firms £10,000 per day

12-11-2015, 10:54 PM
The statistics showed that top cybersecurity experts in the United Kingdom are billing companies more than £10,000 a day to protect their IT systems from hackers. Less experienced experts charge about £3,000 a day to tackle the escalating threat to sensitive digital data.

Apparently, demand for such services and hence the prices rocketed after high-profile recent attacks on a number of major companies, including Sony, TalkTalk and JD Wetherspoon, where personal and financial data was stolen. Moreover, the recent survey found that the hourly rates charged by IT security experts might continue rising in 2016 as boardrooms scrambled to find expert advice from a limited pool of advisers. For example, requests from employers looking for IT security expertise had quadrupled this year compared with 2014.

According to reports, millions of cyber-attacks can be observed every day, which cost the global economy up to $575bn annually. Therefore, businesses have to invest heavily to protect themselves, as they understand that cyber breaches are inevitable. The boom in pay for IT security workers probably came against a backdrop of strong employment trends going into 2016, driven by IT, computing, transport, storage and communications.

In the meantime, most of the gains in transport, storage and communications are related to soaring online sales, which in turn require increasing numbers of vehicles to ferry goods around the country. Do not forget that ¾ of British consumers expect to do at least half their Christmas shopping online, although this huge shift in the nation’s shopping habits hits high street retailers.
